Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Page 16

Has your business ever performed so well on a promotion, yet was unable to convert them to sales and revenue? If this sounds familiar, there is a high chance your company may be dealing with ‘smarketing’ misalignment.


In Australia, 88% of companies are considered small businesses. If you don’t operate your business on digital portals, you are not existing in markets. Marketing your business in the digital world undoubtedly helps raise your brand awareness and attract customers. Recruiting sophisticated marketing experts is critical for companies to grow. 


Marketing in education is all about how educational material can be marketed and made more accessible to institutions and individuals. A strong education marketing plan may enable instructional information to spread like wildfire over the world, igniting curiosity. It has also become extremely important for schools to have a marketing plan as well as a strong marketing strategy. We have put together 5 clever ways that schools are marketing in 2022. 


The digital marketing industry has been changing a lot throughout its history. Therefore, as marketers, we need to adapt to these changes and stay ahead in the race. One of the best ways to do this is to read news sources about marketing. The internet is a massive place with millions of websites; knowing the right resources is essential. But unfortunately, there is a lot of unreliable information that could ruin your business.


Certain times of the year bring extra traffic for websites and businesses, creating the need for a fresh, exciting, and appealing approach to marketing. It's no wonder there is a surge in flower sales on Valentine's Day or an increase in turkey sales during thanksgiving. During seasonal transitions or the holidays, seasonal marketing creates a unique feeling of excitement and fear of missing out for customers worldwide, leading to encouraging actions, like purchases.


In digital marketing SEO campaigns aim to drive organic search results and website traffic from search engine’s such as Google. SEO performance is largely determined by changes you make to your website, what your competitors are doing, and changes search engines make to their search result pages. Google’s search results are constantly changing to provide the best user experience for their users.


It’s been a tough two years working from home and creating marketing strategies that would absolutely kill it amidst a global pandemic. But now as the situation eases (we’re hoping), us marketers are setting benchmarks for the new year, including goals that make sure our email marketing strategies offer our audiences just what they need, while creating the right ROI for our clients.


When Marketing Eye first started its internship program, it was simply a case of so many people requesting internships and the need for young marketers to learn about their chosen field within a professional setting.

In Australia, 88% of companies are considered as small businesses. If your business doesn't have a digital presence, then you are not exciting the market as nowadays much of our world is online. Marketing your business in the digital world is undoubtedly helping to raise brand awareness and attracting more customers to buy your products. Recruiting marketing experts is critical for companies to grow financially and in terms of their digital presence and visibility. 

You may be involved in creating marketing strategies, marketing services, marketing consulting, but you suck. Maybe you don’t suck but you're scared of sucking, you fear underperforming as a small or large business marketer and that's perfectly fine.

Heights, darkness, bugs, SOCIALISING are amongst the most common fears or phobias people have but you know what is missing from that list of common fears? The fear of FAILING! Why aren’t there more marketing agencies, more millionaire marketers, why aren’t you a good marketer? Because you and many people, fear making mistakes, you fear making a lackluster marketing strategy, you fear miscommunicating yourself during your marketing consultations/marketing workshops, you fear failing.


When TikTok was created in 2016, no one could have expected it to become what it is today. It is now one of the most used social media platforms out. It is ranked as the 7th most popular social media platform in the world. There are over 1 billion monthly active users. While many companies believe that TikTok is still an app for dancing videos, it has become a lot bigger than that. Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has been downloaded 3 billion times, gaining 383 million installs in the first half of 2021. It has become extremely critical that your company has an active presence on TikTok. Here are 5 ways your company can utilise TikTok marketing strategy to advance your growth.


To keep track of their key performance indicators (KPIs), marketers need help when facing 4.62 billion social media users and the different kinds of posts they create which are spread across 17 different social media platforms. That is not even considering the website traffic and engagement that may come from the 8.5 billion Google searches that occur every day. To provide your clients with clear and accurate results regarding your marketing efforts and their marketing expenditure, platforms have been created to track not only your social media engagement and views but the traffic, sales, and engagement that your website may receive. 


In the past year, we have been involved in more than 500 marketing strategies and campaigns across multiple industry sectors including technology, professional services, health, life sciences, manufacturing, logistics and FMCG.

There is a reason why companies that are seeking to grow know that their business needs a marketing strategy. It is simple. You are 313% more likely to achieve your marketing goals with a marketing strategy in place. If these odds are given to you, and a marketing strategy is accessible and affordable, then it’s a no-brainer.


Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat are initially created for sharing memories and connecting families and friends. It has now transformed into a source of entertainment, news, and commercial opportunities. Towards the end of 2021, there were 4.55 billion people who are active on social media. Facebook is the most prominent social networking site, but is that still true in 2022? Facebook interaction on organic content has been on an all-time low, at approximately 2%. Some users have abandoned Facebook and moved to other platforms. Do you think Facebook is a dying Marketing Channel?