Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: marketing eye - Page 15

My Experience as an Intern at Marketing Eye

Becoming an intern was not something I was really planning on this year. A class at university assigned us the task of creating a fake application for a role. An internship at Marketing Eye appealed to me, so before submitting the hypothetical assignment I was sure to put in my resume for real: and how incredibly grateful I am for doing so!
Published in Culture

Marketing is an overarching area that infiltrates all areas of our lives and provides us with a greater insight into the human psyche and trends prevalent throughout society. Working at an outsourced marketing agency has provided me with an abundance of experience and information about the business world, that will translate throughout the rest of my career.

During my time as a marketing intern for Marketing Eye, I have had the privilege of receiving real-life work experience and utilising all the tools I have received at university in real-life applications. Not only have I learnt a great deal about marketing, but I have learnt even more about myself and my capabilities in taking on new challenges and roles.

Reflecting on my experience, today I’ll be talking about the 5 most important lessons I learned during my first internship, working for an outsourced marketing agency.

Published in Culture

It’s as certain as death or taxes. The inevitable fact for every CEO or HR manager is that they have made or will make a bad hiring decision at some point during their career.

Published in Management

In a world saturated with mass advertising, it’s hard to stand out amongst the crowd. Everywhere you look you are met with out-of-home displays, television advertisements, social media promotions – it is integrated in our every-day life! As a consumer, it’s also sometime difficult to recognise and digest every marketing attempt and therefore only the ones that stand out are absorbed. 

If you are struggling to make your mark in your respective industry and are looking for some helpful tips to outshine the competition, have a read of my following 5 suggestions.

Published in Marketing

The reality of a post pandemic world is that life as we know it has transformed, from manufacturing supply-demand crunches to the restrictions on shopping, businesses have had to adapt to an uncertain environment at lightning speed in order to survive in this Brave New World.

Published in Social Media

Marketing strategies are bland and not generating a satisfactory ROI? We hear you. Have a read on what we believe are 10 initiatives that will provide results.

Published in Marketing
At Marketing Eye, we have an entire division that is focused solely on B2B marketing in the technology sector. Having come from a technology marketing background and started my first business solely focused on B2B marketing for some of the world's largest technology companies, it comes as no surprise that technology marketing would be such a huge focus for Marketing Eye.
Published in Marketing
A performance review often comes with a lot of trepidation, from both parties. When you put marketing, or marketers into the equation, that trepidation is two-fold and often is met with a sense of expectation versus reality and performance reviews can lead to marketers either being motivated to 'do more and be more' or leaving the company.
Published in Marketing
Monday, 01 February 2021

Top Trends in Social Media in 2021

Given the extent to which use of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels skyrocketed in 2020, social media will undoubtedly continue to play a significant role in digital marketing in 2021. In the last year alone, the social media landscape has necessarily adapted to accommodate the disruptions and social movements of 2020.

Published in Social Media
Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Top Tips for B2B Marketing for 2021

As we move into the year of 2021, it’s time to ensure that you have all the insights to allow your business every opportunity to succeed. Marketing can be hard with so many moving parts and it is vital to get it right, so you can move in a positive direction. To help your business, here is a list of the top tips for B2B Marketing for 2021.

Published in Marketing
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