Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: Victoria

Normally I would say it's not Government's responsibility to help market small businesses, but all of that changed when the Government imposed bans on companies opening their doors.

With threats (and I mean threats) of more to come, small businesses throughout Melbourne and the rest of Victoria have been forced to close for a minimum of 6 weeks. That means no work, no clients, no ability to pay the bills and rent.
Published in Marketing
Coming into our Melbourne marketing agency today, I was faced with a huge dilemma - how are we going to adapt to wearing a facemask in the office? This might sound trivial but it is not. We talk all day long, on the phone, in person, during workshops and Zoom calls. How are we going to do this with a facemask on?
Published in Marketing
Wednesday, 07 April 2010



I am one of those people that has been fortunate enough in life to have been brought up in a safe, loving environment where there was always beautiful food on the table, holidays and plenty of good times.
Published in Management

Dear Joe,

Thank you so much for passing on my details to the Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Executive Director, Small Business Victoria, Roger Arwas.

Published in Mellissah Smith