Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: sunshine coast

At my age, I have seen a lot and in the past six months, I have had two friends die from drug overdoses. They were hugely successful in their careers, and no-one saw it coming. Perhaps they were accidental overdoes, or maybe they chose this path, but it begs the question - what responsibility do we have as friends, family and employers of people who are suffering from addiction, anxiety and depression?
Published in Culture
Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Unblock your ears

When I speak to any really good communicator, and ask them what is their secret, they always say that they listen.

Listening to what your customers, staff, friends and family need to say to you, whether it is positive or negative is often the most powerful thing you can do.

Published in Marketing