Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: robots

Do you remember when you first joined LinkedIn? If it was near the start, there were a bunch of people who invited you to be on the platform. The person who invited me was influential and someone I respected, so I started to fill in the form. I didn't write too much and didn't think too much about it afterwards. Afterall, I wasn't their target market - or was I?
Published in Marketing
Thursday, 02 November 2017

What the future workforce looks like

“Humans and machines – each on their own – won’t be enough to drive businesses in the coming decades. Tomorrow’s leading enterprises will be those that know how to meld the two effectively” – Accenture.

It’s those forward-thinking businesses who have adopted robotics, automation software and technologies, that have increased their productivity by over 200% evidence suggest. This helps re-affirm what the future workforce will look like: human and digital interaction on a daily basis.
Published in Marketing
If I was to say to you that I was able to give you a marketing strategy that guarantees a competitive advantage - would you say yes?

In fact, would you sign up now, knowing that it is highly unlikely that your competitors will get into the top 100 signup, which will complete the testing of the robot?
Published in Marketing
You may have read that robots will not replace marketers - and I am going to tell you now, in this blog, that largely they will. Marketing as a profession will change in the next 12 month to 2 years so dramatically, that everyone will need to re-invent themselves and companies that are still selling the same old marketing skill set, will find that they no longer have a business.
It's not in your imagination, but marketing your business is getting a whole lot harder. What was once an easy to achieve goal, is now polluted by too many choices for both your customer and yourself, in the marketing mix.

As a customer, it is confusing and very few companies have fine-tuned the art of simple. We all learn at University to "Keep It Simple Stupid" - the KISS principal, but too many of us have forgotten that and perhaps we no longer believe it to be relevant. I do. Confusing the client, and our clients confusing their customers is a huge mistake and only when a customer identifies this do they start the breakthrough to achieving their next step towards achieving their ultimate marketing goal.
Published in Marketing
San Francisco Cafe X has unleashed a robotic coffee making company, guaranteeing people the perfect coffee every single time, just to your liking.
Published in Marketing
I've had a phenomenal start to the new year - by choice. 

I chose to look at 2017, literally through a new set of glasses, and with a mindset that begs for change.

Change is a strange word, because it means so many things to people, and rarely does it mean the same from one person to another.

I encapsulate my thoughts on change, by looking at my life and how fortunate I have been, then looking ahead and seeing what purpose I have that underpins my next stage of this incredible journey.
Published in Entrepreneurship
I'm sure many of you are like me, and you ask yourself "Where am I going?". 

It's a common conversation that one has with oneself when you are looking deep within and trying to ascertain what it is you want out of life and how you are going to actually get there. It is when you don't have those conversations with yourself that you really have to worry.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Never be afraid to accept an invitation, to connect with someone you don't know and to accept help when you need it.
Published in Entrepreneurship
When you are looking forward to the next year like I am, you can't help but think what is it that is going to make the next 12 months of your life more extraordinary and memorable then the last.

With so many things going on in the world; political elections, earthquakes, terrorist attacks - it's quite easy to get caught up in what is going wrong with the world instead of what is going right.
Published in Mellissah Smith