Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: innovation

For the past 8 months, I have been going to pilates. It’s something that I never did more than ‘on occasion’ for most part only when I arrived from a long-haul flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles. The hangover from the past few years has slowly disappeared and after the first quarter last year, I started to rethink life. 

Published in Mellissah Smith

Outsourcing your marketing department might be the best decision that you can make for your business. Not only does it dramatically reduce your expenses, but it frees up your time to focus on the day-to-day details of your business. But how do you find a marketing agency that’s the right fit for your company? Before you decide on your marketing agency, take the time to do some work on the front-end of things. When you’re looking for the perfect fit, it’s important to know exactly what you want to accomplish, what services the agency offers, and their track record with other companies.

Published in Marketing

Every company needs a marketing strategy to plan for the future. A strategy works as a sort of road map for all of your marketing activations throughout time. But what exactly goes into these strategies? For a lot of companies 2020, automation and personalization of content is going to be the next big step in marketing tactics. Trends change every year, and companies need to understand the next big step. We reached out to a few friends to weigh in on what every marketing strategy needs in 2020.

Published in Marketing

If you own a business in 2020, you know all about having to stay relevant to your customer base. Whether you want to continue to be innovative or not, the simple truth is that inaction will do far greater harm than pushing your business out of its comfort zone. The best way to transform your business and change with the times is by implementing a digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is the tool to take your business to the next level and keep up with your audience's expectations.

Published in Marketing

At Marketing Eye, we have a very diverse team. Members of our team come from the United States, Australia, Dubai, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and New Zealand. While accents may vary, the work that our team does remains based on an industry best practice standard and a need to bring diversity into our marketing perspective.

Published in Management
What if women make the first move and send the first message?
Published in Entrepreneurship
We spend a lot of time thinking about why a competitor is out-performing one of our clients, who may be smaller, but we never use that as an excuse, in the market.

It a challenge as a small business to grow exponentially, providing quality products and services, and building that brand that everyone resonates with.
Published in Marketing
Never be afraid to accept an invitation, to connect with someone you don't know and to accept help when you need it.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Business is something that every entrepreneur has to work on every single day in order to achieve success.

Ranging from overall business strategy through to finance, human resources, technology, operations and the quality of your product or service.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Last week was mammoth. I spent 4 days on a speaking tour of the Fraser Coast, promoting Marketing Eye's not-for-profit, The World Incubator, and innovation as a whole.

There are many lessons to learn when talking to crowds, and the first is to adapt to the crowd you are talking to. 
Published in Management
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