Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: challenges

When the 8th of March rolls around each year, women worldwide are celebrated in their workplaces and homes—with cupcakes. As it's now 2023, we think it's time to take a step back and reconsider what today really means and ask women; How would you like to be celebrated?"

Published in Entrepreneurship

Delivering exceptional customer experiences is no longer a luxury but a necessity for success. Marketing and customer service teams are two essential functions responsible for engaging with customers and driving business growth. While these two teams may have different objectives and priorities, they share a common goal: to provide the best possible customer experience.

Published in Retail Marketing
Marketing is a crucial part of many businesses as it grows sales by expanding prospects. Not only marketing increases the visibility of your brand, but it also builds trust and loyalty with your customers. By improving your marketing productivity, you could do more in less time. And thus, increase your profits.
Published in Marketing
In such a competitive market, small businesses face a unique blend of marketing challenges. Maintaining, achieving and succeeding as a small business is hard. Finding time to market your business in such an environment is not easy.
An extraordinary thing happened yesterday. I saw someone through their eyes. Their vulnerability, insecurities, hopes and dreams - and their next move will define them more than they realise.
Published in Mellissah Smith
Thursday, 11 January 2018

How to build a new life from scratch

The first 30 days of any decision to make major changes in your life always comes with challenges. As habitual creatures, we tend to do the same things day-in, day-out, and that habit is hard to break.

Many of us make new years resolutions, and few follow them. Me included - well, kind of. I usually make one's that are easy to follow, and never add things like; be healthy, drink less, or go to the gym. In short, I rarely set myself up for failure. 
Published in Mellissah Smith
Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Coping with stress in the workplace

Stress: We’ve all been there, we’ve all experienced it, but what can we do to manage stressful situations within the workplace? The employees that tend to be more productive are happy, healthy and stress free.

While experiencing some stress in the workplace is completely normal, I mean we all have stressful situations whether it be tight deadlines, confusion with a task, dealing with a harsh client/customer, but it’s excessive stress which can interfere with your overall performance, lowering your productivity and negativity impacting on your mental health.
Published in Culture
It's that time of year, when we all start to feel the pinch. What is it that we want to achieve by the years end and what will 2018 look like.

For many of us, we have kicked some goals in 2017, but didn't quite stick to our New Years' Resolutions. If you are constantly on the improve, and wanting to grow as an individual, and in your careers or business, you know that you have to work out what is stopping you from reaching your full potential.
Published in Entrepreneurship
Every day I sit at my computer early in the morning before the team arrives at work, and I think about how I can get the most out of my day. I have a 'to do list' like everyone else, but I always make that secondary to what the overarching goal is for the day that I am about to have.
Published in Entrepreneurship
There have been many lessons I have learned this year; some the easy way and some the hard way.

The past six months have been exhausting. It has tested me in ways that I never imagined possible and at the same time, made me realize a few things about myself that will help shape the person I am moving forward.

I have learned:

Published in Marketing
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