Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: balance

In the midst of a bustling workday, the notorious afternoon slump often makes its unwelcome appearance. As energy levels dip and focus wavers, productivity can take a hit. However, overcoming the afternoon slump is not an insurmountable challenge. Let us explore the science behind the afternoon dip in energy, its impact on productivity, and most importantly, effective strategies to beat midday fatigue and enhance your productivity.
Published in Management
We are all living in silos that are outside the real world and in little cubicles that where we control everything.

At first, we thought it was a brilliant idea. Innovation that gives us everything we want, at our finger tips, when we want it and how we want it.

Published in Culture
People often ask me how I do it. I travel continuously and have so for many years, without as much as blinking an eye lid. Booking my next flights is to me just part of the parcel of having a job that takes me across three continents.
Published in Entrepreneurship