Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Tag: accounts

Thursday, 18 August 2011

If the shoe fits, it's yours

To build an extraordinary team, you need extraordinary people. People that are inspired, that create their own opportunities and who want to make their mark on the position so that in no time, they get career opportunities for advancement and the world is literally their oyster.

But how do you get these people to come and work for you when you are a small business? The answer is marketing. Now, as a company, we have failed miserably in attracting the right people for the job because we don't market the positions - we post them!

That's now going to change. Thanks to the awesome marketers on the team and an inspired point of view, we now are looking to create the ultimate marketing outfit - not just deliver great work.

What do you think of this?