Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Blog for SMB's

Marketing Strategy Blog - Page 6

Generation Z is the most digitally sophisticated generation in history, they are a powerful group who will dictate the consumer environment for decades to come. Understanding and focusing on Gen Z is essential for organisations looking to prosper in the digital era due to their distinct preferences and behaviours. We will examine significant insights, approaches, and practical advice to help you interact and connect with Gen Z, foster brand loyalty, and maximise your marketing initiatives. This guide will provide you with the tools to reach out to Gen Z in a way that resonates with them, whether you're an established brand or a new entrepreneur. This will enable you to increase the number of people who visit your website and expand your business.


The digital era has revolutionised the way we connect, communicate, and consume information. Social media platforms, once hailed as the pinnacle of connectivity, are now witnessing a noticeable shift in millennial behaviour. With a keen focus on privacy, mental health, and personal growth, millennials are consciously reducing their usage of social media platforms.


Effective branding plays a pivotal role in establishing market leadership and communicating a company's value proposition especially in the transportation sector where customers see the brand in shipping yards and on the road. Melbourne Container Transport, under Jodie Lightowler stewardship, after years of limited branding investment, she recognised the need to recalibrate its marketing and branding strategies.


The newest release garnering everyone's attention has more of an unexpected twist than initially expected. Threads provides users with a platform, not dissimilar to Twitter, to post short-form text, images and videos to their accounts. It also creates the unique opportunity for users to produce groups and communities interested in similar niche topics. As its competitor Twitter continues to release unpopular changes to the platform, users may expect to witness the downfall of the widely popular platform. 


In the world of social media, new platforms constantly emerge, aiming to capture the attention of dissatisfied users and revolutionise the way we connect and share. One such platform making waves is Threads, the latest launch by Meta, the company behind Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. As 10 million users join Threads within its first seven hours, this article delves into what Threads is, its connection to Instagram, and its potential as a solution for dissatisfied Twitter users.


With the emergence of new social media platform Threads, B2B brands are scrambling to connect with their target audience and see if this new platform has the ability to take over from Twitter. To make the most of this platform, it's essential for B2B marketers to develop effective marketing strategies that maximise visibility, engagement and build brand awareness. While their 30 million new accounts are impressive for any startup, the reality is that it can have the same fate as other social media platforms like Clubhouse dying out before getting the momentum of longevity. There is a lot of fatigue with social media especially with platforms that copy others. Even so, you can follow @marketingeye with this handle on Threads. Here are the top 10 marketing ideas for B2B brands to successfully utilise Threads and integrate as part of your social media marketing program.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a critical metric for marketing managers, providing insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of their customer acquisition strategies. However, traditional CAC calculations often rely on assumptions that may not fully capture the complexities of modern marketing. In this article, we explore new approaches to CAC calculations, debunk common assumptions and highlight essential tools that can enhance accuracy and inform strategic decision making.


Time is of the essence as a marketing manager. However, the ever increasing demands of the digital age can often leave you feeling overwhelmed and stretched thin. The good news is that artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the marketing landscape, offering powerful tools that can streamline processes and give you back valuable time. In this article, we will explore how AI can help you reclaim up to 50% of your time, showcasing top AI tools such as Robotic Marketer, ChatGPT and others that are reshaping the way marketing managers work.


Businesses must recognise the power of cultural diversity in their marketing strategies in today's globalised marketplace. As a marketing agency or marketing firm, understanding and leveraging the nuances of different cultures can be the key to unlocking business success. Culture based marketing allows us to connect with diverse audiences on a deeper level, building trust, loyalty and long term relationships. We will explore the significance of cultural diversity in marketing and discuss how embracing and integrating diverse cultures can propel our business to new heights.


Cultivating a team that embodies respect and good manners is paramount to success in the fast paced and competitive realm of the marketing industry. As a marketing agency or marketing firm, our reputation hinges not only on the quality of our work but also on the professionalism and conduct of our team members. Polite and respectful behaviour lays the foundation for strong client relationships, effective collaboration and overall team productivity. We will explore the significance of training a polite and respectful team and provide practical guidance on creating a work environment that upholds these values.


Picture this: you're browsing through a sea of advertisements and suddenly, a marketing campaign catches your eye. But what sets it apart from the rest? The secret ingredient is good manners! Yes, you read that right. In this click bait blog, we reveal the surprising power of politeness in marketing and how it can skyrocket your business to new heights. Brace yourself for a game changing approach that will leave your competitors in awe!


Staying ahead requires a deep understanding of the cultural lens through which our target audience perceives the world in the rapidly evolving landscape of marketing. As marketing professionals, we bring our cultural backgrounds, which undoubtedly provide valuable insights. However, they can also pose challenges when it comes to connecting with diverse audiences. We will delve into the importance of embracing cultural diversity and explore how it can unlock the true potential of our marketing campaigns. By acknowledging and celebrating diverse cultural perspectives, we can overcome these challenges and create campaigns that resonate with a wide range of audiences.


Professionals constantly face the challenge of crafting impactful campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences in the dynamic and ever evolving world of marketing. A marketer’s ability to navigate these challenges effectively can determine the success of a marketing agency or marketing firm. One powerful tool that can significantly impact marketing campaigns is the cultural lens. By understanding and incorporating cultural nuances, marketers can create campaigns that not only captivate audiences but also build strong brand connections. Here are a few ways in which a marketer's cultural lens can adversely affect their marketing campaigns:


Marketing professionals must continuously evolve their strategies to effectively reach diverse audiences in today's hyper connected world where globalisation has bridged gaps and expanded horizons. As marketing professionals, we must recognise that cultural diversity shapes the way individuals perceive and interact with brands, products and services. By embracing the cultural lens, marketing agencies and marketing firms can unlock new avenues of success and connect with diverse audiences. We will explore the significance of cultural diversity and how harnessing its power can enhance marketing strategies, ultimately propelling businesses forward in the competitive marketplace.